Friday, July 13, 2007

Summer Gardening with Emma Horsfield

Now we are into the Wedding season many ladies and indeed gentlemen start to think of flowers and colour schemes. This can be a very pleasurable or stressful experience. Every Bride or Mother of the Bride have been planning and forming ideas from early on. I recently went to a wedding where the flowers were just red roses and a little greenery in the way of different types of Ivy. I was most impressed with the simplicity and indeed the effective striking display of this monotone plan; so much so that I took lots of picture and have them filed away for possible future use!!

On the other side of the coin, attending many weddings sometimes second or third weddings, you have to ask yourself; what do you give the couple that have everything….?? Going back to the flower scheme, why not a rose. I have yet to meet anyone that does not like roses. Their shape, colour, form beauty, perfume etc is so wonderful, the list is endless. A rose bush can squeeze into that small space in the corner of the garden or in a pot on the patio. A rose comes into flower each year during the wedding season to remind the happy couple of their special day. There are so many modern hybrid roses with relevant names such as Bride, Wedding day, Happy Event, Honeymoon, Special Occasion and many many more.

Of course the rose is my favourite flower, as a child during the summer our house (Rosefield House) was always filled with highly perfumed large hybrid tea roses and old English roses which my father Tom used to bring from the rosefield as a romantic gesture for my mother Clare. Needless to say they have many roses in their garden which bloom every summer reminding them of their special day. On that note may I congratulate them on celebrating their 34th wedding anniversary this year. I may even treat them to the luscious pink hybrid tea Congratulations rose.

Reminders for summer
Liquid feed baskets and tubs twice a week
Dead-head roses, this encourages a new flush of blooms
Keep nipping the tips out of your herbs to encourage bushy growth
Prune early large flower clematis to encourage a smaller flush of flower in autumn.
Mow the lawn on a regular basis
Regularly dead-head container and basket plants
Feed roses to encourage more flowering
Keep supporting and training climbers

For further information and help with your garden please call Horsfields Nursery Tel:01226 790441

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