Thursday, October 16, 2008


Every Thursday in December up until christmas

Thursday 4th Dec 10 am – 8 pm

Thursday 11th Dec 10 am – 8 pm

Thursday 18th Dec 10 am – 8 pm

Why not do a spot of late night festive shopping at Pot House Hamlet and treat yourself to a meal or drink in the Potting Shed

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Horses enjoying a strole

Even horses enjoy a morning coffee and sandwich at the Potting Shed this morning.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rosa Hot Chocolate

'Rosa Hot Chocolate' a floribunda, was awarded novelty rose of the year in 2006, It is a unique colour. The buds starts off a rusty orange and opens to a rich velvety-brown. Stocked by Horsfields Nursery, Pot House Hamlet, Silkstone.